Meet our Lil’ Warrior Charity Beneficiaries

Tommy Mahoney

Betty Sue


Her Story

Betty Sue’s parents were ecstatic to find out in February of 2023 that they were expecting their first child. They had dreamed of this for so long! During their 20 week ultrasound in May, they found out that Betty Sue was measuring extraordinarily small for her gestational age. They were referred to a perinatologist who discovered an intrauterine growth restriction and placental abnormalities that were causing a lack of blood flow through the umbilical cord. After a few visits, they were advised to come back for weekly checks and told that eventually we would be sent to labor and delivery once the blood flow to the baby was too poor to support her growth.

At the very first of these weekly appointments, it was determined that it was no longer safe to continue the pregnancy, and they were sent to labor and delivery where mom was able to receive steroid shots and other medication to help baby’s lung and brain development before delivery to give her the best chance of survival.

Betty Sue was born two days later at 27 weeks gestation weighing 1lb 5 oz. After being resuscitated and taken to the NICU, she was diagnosed with a large patent ductus arteriosus, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, pulmonary hypertension, and eventually failure to thrive.

From the get-go, Betty Sue had such a personality and always let her parents and nurses know how she was feeling. The Stouts cannot say enough about the nurses and medical staff who cared for Betty Sue during her hospital stay. They were angels who cared for her as if she was their own and supported the family endlessly. They are so happy to remain friends with many of them to this day and celebrate her milestones together.

After 109 days with many peaks and valleys, Betty Sue was released from the NICU on home oxygen therapy and several other medications to help her heart and lungs. She has since weaned to only needing to wear her oxygen overnight. Her family continues to be in awe of her strength and resilience.

Now 10 months old, Betty Sue is home and working hard to gain weight. The Stouts are so grateful for her team of doctors and therapists that take such good care of her. Betty currently sees her PCP, pulmonologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist and dietician and well as a speech therapist, occupational therapist, and feeding therapist. She requires a medical formula not covered by insurance to help aid in her weight gain.

Betty Sue is an active, expressive, happy baby. Her parents are both in education and work for Lewisville ISD. She enjoys playing with her cousins and grandparents, blowing bubbles, and reading books. She already brings so much joy to those around her. She has come so far and we can’t wait to see what she accomplishes next!


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